All dogs like to scratch every now and then; it’s perfectly normal and it’s a natural part of their regular grooming routine. You probably see your dog lick, scratch and groom himself several times during the day, which is something he clearly enjoys doing! Your dog’s skin is an indication of his overall health, and just like people, dogs can develop different problems with their skin. In fact, skin problems in dogs are the number one reason people take their dog to the vet. So if you notice that your dog is starting to scratch more frequently, chew or lick himself more than normal, or if you see flakes, rashes or bald patches, then there could be an underlying problem that you’ll need to address. The causes of skin problems in dogs varies widely – from external parasites to grooming products to food or seasonal allergies, so here are a few common skin problems in dogs that can help you understand what may be affecting your dog’s skin.
One of the most well-known culprits that can cause your dog to itch and scratch is the common flea. You may not see the flea itself, but flea droppings or eggs are usually visible on the dog’s coat. Fleas thrive in moist, warm climates and they host on the blood of animals. Flea saliva contains an ingredient that is an irritant, and that is what causes the symptoms associated with Flea Allergy Dermatitis, or FAD. Symptoms of FAD include scratching, licking, scabs and even hot spots. Plus some dogs are actually allergic to fleas, which can make the problem even worse. Also, if the flea problem is severe enough, it can even cause blood loss and anemia. Flea infestation can become a big problem when the environmental conditions are right – an adult flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day, and over several months an adult flea can lay up to 500-600 eggs. So if your dog has fleas, you need to intervene quickly so you can break the cycle. Talk to your vet about using a veterinary recommended product for fleas, and also discuss options to clean your pet’s home and yard, especially if the flea problem is stubborn or if you have a reoccurring flea infestation.
Mange is another skin problem found in dogs, and is caused by an infestation of tiny microscopic mites on your dog’s hair or skin follicles. Some types of mites are normal to find in small numbers on dogs and puppies, while other types of mites are not. While there are several different types of mange, the most common types in dogs are demodectic mange and sarcoptic mange, which have different causes and symptoms.
Demodectic Mange: This type of mange is caused by an infestation of the Demodex canis mite within the hair follicles of the dog’s coat. These mites live on all dogs and are naturally passed from the mother to pups within the first few weeks of life. Typically there are no visible symptoms, and most dogs have a natural resistance that helps keep the number of mites down so it does not become a bigger problem. However, it is possible that some types of purebred dogs may carry a lower resistance to the mites, and it’s also possible that stress can trigger an active infestation of these mites. Demodectic mange can be passed from one dog to another, but cannot be transmitted to people.
Sarcoptic Mange: This type of mange, also known as scabies or Sarcoptes, is caused by microscopic mites that are closely related to spiders. Typically dogs come into contact with these types of mites from other dogs or hosts and symptoms usually show up within a week or so after exposure. The female mite will burrow into the dog’s skin to lay her eggs, which hatch within just in a few days. These mites will quickly develop into adults, and then begin laying their own eggs in less than three weeks.
Symptoms of this type of mange include persistent, fierce itching, redness, sores and scabs. While sarcoptic mange may first show up in localized areas, it can quickly spread to your dog’s entire body and lead to bacterial infections from constant scratching. Sarcoptic mange is highly contagious and can be passed between both dogs and humans. If your dog is affected by this type of mange, it can take weeks or months to recover, depending on the severity of the damage and how quickly you and your vet are able to identify the problem. There are medications that your vet can prescribe to kill the mites and provide relief to your dog, so quick intervention is critical if you suspect your dog has sarcoptic mange.
Cheyletiellosis, also known as “Walking Dandruff”, is caused by the Cheyletiella yasguri mite that can actually be seen by the human eye. These mites are highly contagious between dogs and people, and this type of mange is usually found in shelters, boarding kennels, or other situations where there are a lot of dogs housed together.
Ear mites are also considered a type of mange that affects the external part of the ear. Caused by Otodectes cynotis mites, common symptoms include scratching of the ears, head shaking and sensitivity to the ears being touched. You might also notice an unpleasant odor coming from your dog’s ears or a dark discharge inside the ear. These mites can be transmitted between animals, but not to people.
If you suspect your dog has mange, you will need to take him to your veterinarian who will perform a complete physical exam and analyze skin scrapings. From there, your vet will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe oral and/or topical medications and a course of action to help clear up the infestation and treat any secondary infections that may have occurred. He may also prescribe medicated shampoos or dips to help treat your dog. You will also need to wash or remove any bedding or toys that might be infected and check on your other pets that may have been in contact with your dog.
Hot Spots
Another common skin problem in dogs are hot spots (Acute Moist Dermatitis, Pyotraumatic Dermatitis, Superficial Pyoderma or “summer sores”), which is a bacterial skin infection that can develop and spread very quickly on your dog. It usually shows up during hot, humid weather and starts from your dog chewing or scratching a localized area, which then quickly becomes red, inflamed and eventually infected. Hot spots typically appear as a circular patch of red swollen skin, anywhere from 1 to 4 inches in diameter. The problem with hot spots is that it becomes a vicious cycle – the more irritated the area becomes, the more your dog will itch and scratch, which makes the infected area even worse. The affected area will become raw and moist, usually with hair loss and crusty skin developing from dried pus. Hot spots can be caused by anything that irritates your dog’s skin and makes him scratch or chew. It could be something as small as a fly or flea bite, or it could even be from a small scratch or cut. It could also be from thick, tangled or matted hair that, given the proper conditions of hot or humid weather, could quickly turn into a hot spot. Any breed of dog can develop hot spots, but it’s more commonly seen in dogs with longer, thicker hair such as Collies, German Shepherds or Golden Retrievers. Hot spots can enlarge rapidly and are also very painful, so once you see a hot spot developing on your dog, he should be treated immediately by your vet who will clean the area and address the underlying condition that caused the hot spots.
Dry, Flaky Skin
Dry, flaky skin is another common skin problem seen in dogs. The most typical signs of dry skin are itching and scratching, or rubbing against furniture to try to alleviate the itching. If you separate your dog’s hair, you might notice small, white flakes or even dry, scaly skin. There are a number of reasons why your dog may have dry, flaky skin – it could be caused by biting parasites such as fleas or mites, which can irritate your dog’s skin. Dry, flaky skin can also be caused by cold or windy weather, which when combined with the dryness caused by indoor heating systems, can really take a toll on your dog’s skin. It could also be a result of under grooming or lack of grooming, which allows the dead skin to accumulate under your dog’s coat and can cause irritation. This is especially true for dogs that have long, thick hair where dead skin can become trapped and is not removed by regular grooming. Dry, flaky skin can also be caused by environmental allergies or food allergies. Environmental allergies, or atopy, can include sensitivity to allergens from grasses, weeds, dust or pollen. Food allergies are usually triggered by something in your pet’s diet that causes him to develop this skin condition. If your dog has dry, flaky skin, you should have him examined by your vet to pinpoint the exact cause and prescribe therapeutic treatment for your dog.
Skin Care Management
The best way to take care of common skins problems in dogs is to meet with your vet to find out what type of skin problem your dog has, and then discuss the best treatment for his condition. Your vet will ask for a history of the skin problem and perform a thorough physical exam on your dog. He may also perform certain diagnostic tests, such as a skin biopsy, microscopic examination of the hair and skin, and allergy testing in order to find the cause of your dog’s symptoms. Once your vet has made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment, you can find out what types of shampoos or grooming products he recommends. You can also work with your vet to develop a parasite prevention or flea treatment program. As a part of your dog’s regular routine, make sure you groom and brush your dog regularly to remove loose, dead skin and prevent matting of hair. Keep your home clean and regularly vacuum, and make sure your dog’s living conditions are clean as well. In addition to medical management, you can provide your dog with dietary supplements containing the essential fatty acids needed for optimal skin and coat health. There are a variety of products on the market based on either fish oil or flax seed. MaxiDerm EFA is a unique combination of both fish oil and flax seed oil as well as Vitamin E, Biotin, Vitamin B and Sunflower Oil. We know your dog will love it and you will love the results!
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